Etiquetas :)

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010


Well as I said before, this blog will inform you about everything that I receive o find about the Teaching Program in the SE, the main issue with them is that we don't check our email often, or that we DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AT ALL... anyway... in here I'm trying to start a community where you can share your information, classroom material, classroom activities and the experiences that you had. By the way, I have to mention you that this page was inspired on another page Comparte... Se Parte Thanks to all the comunity in there specially to Klau and Jromo...


Yo se que todos somos maestros de ingles, pero muchos es mas facil entender los escritos en espaniol, se que todos aqui somo o seremos maestros de ingles, el punto de poner informacion en espaniol es porque espero que tambien ingresen maestros de preescolar, que honestamente no tienen ni idea, y la SE solo les dijo que tienen que dar clases de ingles... para ellos tambien tenemos un poco de informacion y ayuda....

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